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Legend (Map_Services/C_I_Z)

General Plan 2035 Center (0)
Plan 2035 zoning (1)
C-1 (Local Commercial, Existing) C-1 (Local Commercial, Existing)
C-2 (General Commercial, Existing) C-2 (General Commercial, Existing)
C-A (Ancillary Commercial) C-A (Ancillary Commercial)
C-C (Community Commercial, Existing) C-C (Community Commercial, Existing)
C-G (General Commercial, Existing) C-G (General Commercial, Existing)
C-H (Highway Commercial, Existing) C-H (Highway Commercial, Existing)
C-M (Commercial Miscellaneous) C-M (Commercial Miscellaneous)
C-O (Commercial Office) C-O (Commercial Office)
C-R-C (Commercial Regional Center) C-R-C (Commercial Regional Center)
C-S-C (Commercial Shopping Center) C-S-C (Commercial Shopping Center)
C-W (Commercial Waterfront) C-W (Commercial Waterfront)
E-I-A (Employment and Institutional Area) E-I-A (Employment and Institutional Area)
I-1 (Light Industrial) I-1 (Light Industrial)
I-2 (Heavy Industrial) I-2 (Heavy Industrial)
I-3 (Planned Industrial/Employment Park) I-3 (Planned Industrial/Employment Park)
I-4 (Limited Industrial) I-4 (Limited Industrial)
L-A-C (Local Activity Center) L-A-C (Local Activity Center)
M-A-C (Major Activity Center) M-A-C (Major Activity Center)
M-U-I (Mixed Use Infill) M-U-I (Mixed Use Infill)
M-X-C (Mixed Use Community) M-X-C (Mixed Use Community)
M-X-T (Mixed Use Transportation Oriented) M-X-T (Mixed Use Transportation Oriented)
MU-TC (Mixed Use Town Center) MU-TC (Mixed Use Town Center)
O-S (Open Space) O-S (Open Space)
R-10 (Multifamily High Density Residential) R-10 (Multifamily High Density Residential)
R-10A (Multifamily High Density Residential-Efficiency) R-10A (Multifamily High Density Residential-Efficiency)
R-18 (Multifamily Medium Density Residential) R-18 (Multifamily Medium Density Residential)
R-18C (Multifamily Medium Density Residential-Condominium) R-18C (Multifamily Medium Density Residential-Condominium)
R-20 (One-Family Triple-Attached Residential) R-20 (One-Family Triple-Attached Residential)
R-30 (Multifamily Low Density Residential) R-30 (Multifamily Low Density Residential)
R-30C (Multifamily Low Density Residential-Condominium) R-30C (Multifamily Low Density Residential-Condominium)
R-35 (One-Family Semidetached, and Two-Family Detached, Residential) R-35 (One-Family Semidetached, and Two-Family Detached, Residential)
R-55 (One-Family Detached Residential) R-55 (One-Family Detached Residential)
R-80 (One-Family Detached Residential) R-80 (One-Family Detached Residential)
R-A (Residential-Agricultural) R-A (Residential-Agricultural)
R-E (Residential-Estate) R-E (Residential-Estate)
R-H (Multifamily High-Rise Residential) R-H (Multifamily High-Rise Residential)
R-L (Residential Low Development) R-L (Residential Low Development)
R-M (Residential Medium Development) R-M (Residential Medium Development)
R-M-H (Planned Mobile Home Community) R-M-H (Planned Mobile Home Community)
R-O-S (Reserved Open Space) R-O-S (Reserved Open Space)
R-R (Rural Residential) R-R (Rural Residential)
R-S (Residential Suburban Development) R-S (Residential Suburban Development)
R-T (Townhouse) R-T (Townhouse)
R-U (Residential Urban Development) R-U (Residential Urban Development)
U-L-I (Urban Light Industrial) U-L-I (Urban Light Industrial)
V-L (Village-Low) V-L (Village-Low)
V-M (Village-Medium) V-M (Village-Medium)
Commercial and Industrial Zoning (2)
Commercial Commercial
Industrial (light) Industrial (light)
Industrial (heavy) Industrial (heavy)