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Legend (Applications/Census_Geographies_NEW)

Census Tracts (2000) (838)
Census Block Group (2000) (839)
Census Block (2000) (840)
Census Public Use Microdata Area (2000) (841)
Census Designated Place (2000) (842)
Census Tract (2010) (832)
Census Block Group (2010) (833)
Census Block (2010) (834)
Census Public Use Microdata Area (2010) (835)
Census Designated Place (2010) (836)
Census Tract (2020) (864)
Census Block Group (2020) (865)
Census Block (2020) (866)
Census Designated Place (2020) (867)
Unemployment Rate (869)
4% or Less 4% or Less
5% - 7% 5% - 7%
8% - 11% 8% - 11%
12% - 23% 12% - 23%
% People Foreign Born (870)
13% or Less 13% or Less
14% - 24% 14% - 24%
25% - 41% 25% - 41%
42% - 68% 42% - 68%
% Persons Under 18 in Poverty (871)
7% or Less 7% or Less
8% - 17% 8% - 17%
18% - 29% 18% - 29%
30% - 46% 30% - 46%
% Persons who Speak English less than Very Well (872)
9% or Less 9% or Less
10% - 20% 10% - 20%
21% - 39% 21% - 39%
40% - 79% 40% - 79%
Median Household Income (873)
$32,950.00 - $65,000.00 $32,950.00 - $65,000.00
$65,000.01 - $80,000.00 $65,000.01 - $80,000.00
$80,000.01 - $100,000.00 $80,000.01 - $100,000.00
$100,000.01 - $125,000.00 $100,000.01 - $125,000.00
$125,000.01 - $216,000.00 $125,000.01 - $216,000.00
Number of Households (874)
360 - 1,000 360 - 1,000
1,001 - 1,300 1,001 - 1,300
1,301 - 1,700 1,301 - 1,700
1,701 - 2,100 1,701 - 2,100
2,101 - 3,087 2,101 - 3,087
% Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP Benefits (875)
6% or Less 6% or Less
7% - 12% 7% - 12%
13% - 19% 13% - 19%
20% - 32% 20% - 32%
% of Families with Related Children Less than 18 in Poverty (876)
5% or Less 5% or Less
6% - 12% 6% - 12%
13% - 23% 13% - 23%
24% - 41% 24% - 41%
% Persons in Poverty (877)
7% or Less 7% or Less
8% - 12% 8% - 12%
13% - 23% 13% - 23%
24% - 63% 24% - 63%
% People with Bachelor's Degree (878)
20% or Less 20% or Less
21% - 30% 21% - 30%
31% - 50% 31% - 50%
51% - 85% 51% - 85%
% Persons Over 65 Below Poverty (879)
5% or Less 5% or Less
6% - 13% 6% - 13%
14% - 25% 14% - 25%
26% - 47% 26% - 47%
% Population without Health Insurance (880)
9% or Less 9% or Less
10% - 19% 10% - 19%
20% - 39% 20% - 39%
40% - 58% 40% - 58%
% Spanish Speakers who Speak English Less than Very Well (881)
0% - 10% 0% - 10%
11% - 20% 11% - 20%
21% - 40% 21% - 40%
41% - 78% 41% - 78%
Unemployment Rate (883)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 5% 1% - 5%
6% - 7% 6% - 7%
8% - 9% 8% - 9%
10% - 12% 10% - 12%
% Persons Who Speak English Less than Very Well (884)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 9% 1% - 9%
10% - 19% 10% - 19%
20% - 34% 20% - 34%
35% - 52% 35% - 52%
Median Household Income (885)
($999.00) - $0.00 ($999.00) - $0.00
$0.01 - $70,000.00 $0.01 - $70,000.00
$70,000.01 - $80,000.00 $70,000.01 - $80,000.00
$80,000.01 - $92,000.00 $80,000.01 - $92,000.00
$92,000.01 - $123,000.00 $92,000.01 - $123,000.00
$123,000.01 - $144,000.00 $123,000.01 - $144,000.00
Number of Households (886)
-999 - 0 -999 - 0
1 - 5,000 1 - 5,000
5,001 - 10,000 5,001 - 10,000
10,001 - 15,000 10,001 - 15,000
15,001 - 19,428 15,001 - 19,428
% Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP Benefits (887)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 7% 1% - 7%
8% - 10% 8% - 10%
11% - 15% 11% - 15%
16% - 20% 16% - 20%
% of Families with Related Children Less than 18 in Poverty (888)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 5% 1% - 5%
6% - 9% 6% - 9%
10% - 14% 10% - 14%
15% - 20% 15% - 20%
% People Foreign Born (889)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 10% 1% - 10%
11% - 20% 11% - 20%
21% - 40% 21% - 40%
41% - 57% 41% - 57%
% Persons in Poverty (890)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 4% 1% - 4%
5% - 7% 5% - 7%
8% - 10% 8% - 10%
11% - 14% 11% - 14%
15% - 21% 15% - 21%
% of Persons Under 18 Below Poverty (891)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 5% 1% - 5%
6% - 11% 6% - 11%
12% - 18% 12% - 18%
19% - 26% 19% - 26%
% People with Bachelor's Degree (892)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 26% 1% - 26%
27% - 39% 27% - 39%
40% - 49% 40% - 49%
50% - 58% 50% - 58%
% People Above 65 in Poverty (893)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 5% 1% - 5%
6% - 9% 6% - 9%
10% - 12% 10% - 12%
13% - 24% 13% - 24%
% Population without Health Insurance (894)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 5% 1% - 5%
6% - 10% 6% - 10%
11% - 17% 11% - 17%
18% - 32% 18% - 32%
% Spanish Speakers who Speak English Less than Very Well (895)
-999% - 0% -999% - 0%
1% - 4% 1% - 4%
5% - 8% 5% - 8%
9% - 17% 9% - 17%
18% - 45% 18% - 45%
Total Population (822)
2,600 or Less 2,600 or Less
2,601 - 3,900 2,601 - 3,900
3,901 - 5,300 3,901 - 5,300
5,301 - 7,000 5,301 - 7,000
7,001 - 15,934 7,001 - 15,934
Homeowner Rate (823)
30% or Less 30% or Less
30.1% - 50% 30.1% - 50%
50.1% - 70% 50.1% - 70%
70.1% - 90% 70.1% - 90%
90.1% - 100% 90.1% - 100%
Median Age (824)
25 or Less 25 or Less
26 - 35 26 - 35
36 - 45 36 - 45
46 - 50 46 - 50
51 - 83 51 - 83
Percent Homeowner Without Mortgage (825)
15% or less 15% or less
15.1% - 25% 15.1% - 25%
25.1% - 35% 25.1% - 35%
35.1% - 50% 35.1% - 50%
50.1% - 100% 50.1% - 100%
Percent Population 65+ (826)
10% or Less 10% or Less
10.1% - 15% 10.1% - 15%
15.1% - 20% 15.1% - 20%
20.1% - 40% 20.1% - 40%
40.1% - 89% 40.1% - 89%
Percent Population Under 18 (827)
20% or Less 20% or Less
20.1% - 30% 20.1% - 30%
30.1% - 50% 30.1% - 50%
50.1% - 65% 50.1% - 65%
65.1% - 91.8% 65.1% - 91.8%
Percent Renters (828)
15% or Less 15% or Less
15.1% - 30% 15.1% - 30%
30.1% - 60% 30.1% - 60%
60.1% - 80% 60.1% - 80%
80.1% - 99.7% 80.1% - 99.7%
Percent Vacant Units (829)
5% or Less 5% or Less
5.1% - 10% 5.1% - 10%
10.1% - 15% 10.1% - 15%
15.1% - 25% 15.1% - 25%
25.1% - 58.2% 25.1% - 58.2%
Population Density (830)
100 or Less 100 or Less
101 - 1,000 101 - 1,000
1,001 - 2,000 1,001 - 2,000
2,001 - 4,000 2,001 - 4,000
4,001 - 10,000 4,001 - 10,000
10,001 - 86,900 10,001 - 86,900
Total Population (813)
6,000 or Less 6,000 or Less
6,001 - 16,000 6,001 - 16,000
16,001 - 30,000 16,001 - 30,000
30,001 - 45,000 30,001 - 45,000
45,001 - 69,752 45,001 - 69,752
Homeowner Rate (814)
20% or Less 20% or Less
20.1% - 40% 20.1% - 40%
40.1% - 60% 40.1% - 60%
60.1% - 70% 60.1% - 70%
70.1% - 89% 70.1% - 89%
Median Age (815)
25 or Less 25 or Less
26 - 40 26 - 40
41 - 45 41 - 45
46 - 50 46 - 50
51 - 72 51 - 72
Percent Homeowner without Mortgage (816)
15% or Less 15% or Less
15.1% - 25% 15.1% - 25%
25.1% - 35% 25.1% - 35%
35.1% - 50% 35.1% - 50%
50.1% - 100% 50.1% - 100%
Percent Population 65+ (817)
10% or Less 10% or Less
10.1% - 15% 10.1% - 15%
15.1% - 20% 15.1% - 20%
20.1% - 40% 20.1% - 40%
40.1% - 81.1% 40.1% - 81.1%
Percent Population Under 18 (818)
15% or Less 15% or Less
15.1% - 30% 15.1% - 30%
30.1% - 40% 30.1% - 40%
40.1% - 60% 40.1% - 60%
60.1% - 100% 60.1% - 100%
Percent Renters (819)
15% or Less 15% or Less
15.1% - 30% 15.1% - 30%
30.1% - 60% 30.1% - 60%
60.1% - 80% 60.1% - 80%
80.1% - 100% 80.1% - 100%
Percent Vacant Units (820)
5% or Less 5% or Less
5.1% - 10% 5.1% - 10%
10.1% - 15% 10.1% - 15%
15.1% - 25% 15.1% - 25%
25.1% - 68.2% 25.1% - 68.2%